========================= FreeSpace 2 - Demo v 1.00 Readme File ========================= *** Please email fs2demo@volition-inc.com with all *** *** problems you encounter in this Demo. *** *** We are also very interested in your comments! *** For more information on FreeSpace 2, please visit http://www.volition-inc.com/ http://www.freespace2.com/ ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- 1. The FreeSpace 2 Launcher 1a. Play FreeSpace 2 1b. Setup 1c. View Readme 1d. Update 1e. Help 1f. Uninstall 1g. Quit 1h. Volition Logo 1i. PXO Logo 2. Pre-Flight 2a. Pilot Registration 2b. The Main Hall 2c. Barracks 2d. Options 2e. Ready Room 3. Gameplay 3a. Demo Missions 3b. Comm Menu 3c. Additional HUD info 4. Multiplayer 4a. PXO 4b. Joining a game 4c. Setting up a game 4d. Standalone (Dedicated) Servers 4e. Server Listing Additions 4f. Co-op Mission 4g. Dogfight 4h. Squad War 4i. Squad Logos/Pilot Pictures 5. Demo Feedback 6. Troubleshooting 7. Contacting Technical Support 8. FreeSpace 2 Web Links 9. Credits 10. Legal Stuff --------------------------- 1. The FreeSpace 2 Launcher --------------------------- The Launcher's buttons enable you to set up and play FreeSpace 2, customize your hardware settings, get updated versions of the Demo, and access the FreeSpace 2 web pages at Volition, Inc. Here's what each button does: 1a. Play FreeSpace 2 Click this to launch FreeSpace 2. 1b. Setup Under Setup, you'll see tabs for Video, Audio, Joystick, Speed, Network, DirectX, and Misc. * Video - You must have a 3D Accelerator card to play FreeSpace 2. You can choose to have FreeSpace 2 detect Glide only, D3D only, or both by selecting the proper checkboxes, then clicking on the "Detect Available Cards" button. - "Interlaced Cutscenes" and "Fast Clear for Cutscenes" are options available only in the full retail version of FreeSpace 2. - "Fast D3D Textures" will improve your video and gameplay performance, but at a cost to the visual quality of FreeSpace 2. Enable fast D3D textures *only* if you are experiencing severe slowdown during gameplay. - WFOG is a Direct3D-only option. "Force WFOG" makes the D3D card use WFOG (table-based rather than vertex-based fog) if available. Some cards don't do WFOG properly (the S4, for example), so vertex fog is used by default. Use this setting only for experimentation purposes. * Audio - FreeSpace 2 supports DirectSound, A3D, and EAX. You can choose one of these by clicking on "Detect Available Sound Cards" and then selecting from the dropdown box. You can enable Launcher sounds from here as well. * Joystick - Enables you to set up or change the joystick used by FreeSpace 2. Also lets you toggle Force Feedback support on or off (any joystick supporting DirectX 6.0 force feedback may be used). * Speed - This setting determines the default Detail Level used in FreeSpace 2 when new pilots are created. You may manually change this default if you wish, but it may adversely affect your gameplay speed. * Network - Here you choose your LAN or Internet connection for multiplayer games. Choose your connection type and speed. * DirectX - On this tab you can check your DirectX version and choose to install or update DirectX on your machine. * Misc. - This tab is not active in the Demo version of FreeSpace 2. 1c. View Readme Views this file. 1d. Update This button enables you to see if a new version of the FreeSpace 2 Demo is available for downloading. If one is available, you can choose to update the Demo by clicking on OK. The process is automated. 1e. Help This opens a Help document containing information about the Launcher buttons. 1f. Uninstall Uninstalls FreeSpace 2 from your computer. 1g. Quit Closes the Launcher without running FreeSpace 2. 1h. Volition Logo This takes you to Volition's Internet home page. 1i. PXO Logo This takes you to the Internet home page for PXO, a free multiplayer service for Volition and Outrage games. ------------- 2. Pre-Flight ------------- 2a. Pilot Registration When you enter the game, the first thing you do is create a pilot (or choose an existing one). This pilot stores your Demo combat statistics as well as your settings for Options and Control Config. You can also change your active pilot in the Barracks screen. You can also create Multiplayer pilots from this screen. 2b. The Main Hall This is the FreeSpace 2 main menu. Press F1 to view a Help overlay outlining the different areas. In the Demo, you may use your mouse to click on the Ready Room, Barracks, Options, or Exit. The Tech and Campaign Rooms are not available in the Demo. 2c. Barracks This room enables you to change your currently selected pilot and to view combat statistics for your pilots. You can also change the pilot image used by each pilot, as well as the squad logo that appears on the pilot's ship during play. Viewing Service Medals is not available in the Demo. 2d. Options This screen enables you to change various global settings used in FreeSpace 2. Use it to adjust your sound, music, and voice volume levels, as well as adjust your brightness setting and skill level. This is also where you indicate whether you're using a mouse or joystick to control your ship in FreeSpace 2, and how sensitive the ship should be to the movement of this device. * Brightness: To correctly set the brightness on your monitor, use the arrows on the brightness indicator until the stripes appear to be a uniform shade of gray. * Mouse and Joystick Sensitivity: The higher these settings, the more pronounced your ship's movement in response to your mouse or joystick's movement. * Joystick Deadzone: The higher this setting, the less sensitive your ship is to small movements of your joystick. Multi Sub-Screen - This is where you specify the settings for multiplayer games. * TCP/IPX - You can choose only TCP protocol in the Demo version. * IP Address - You can connect to specific IP addresses by entering them in this box. * PXO - This is where you enter your Login, Password, and Squadron that have been assigned to you by PXO. * Voice/General - This toggles between the Voice Specific and General multiplayer options. * Object Update - This tells the server how often you would like to be updated during a multiplayer game. If you have a slower connection (28.8, 33.6), you should choose Low. For 56k modems, choose Medium. Cable modems and ADSL or higher should choose High. If you are playing on a LAN, choose LAN updates. * Pilot/Squad Images - If you would like to download custom pilot and squad pics choose "Yes." * Transfer Missions - Select which directory you would like to transfer missions to and from. * Flush Cache - Pick when you want FreeSpace 2 to flush its mission cache. Detail Sub-Screen - This screen enables you to adjust the various detail level settings for FreeSpace 2. It is recommended that you use the default Preset Level chosen for you at install time. If you wish to change the current setting, use the Preset buttons on the right side of the screen. The Custom button enables you to modify the individual settings on the left side of the screen. Control Config Sub-Screen - Here you can configure your controls and key bindings to better suit your preferences. A list of functions appears on the left, with the corresponding key or button bindings on the right. Each of the four categories of functions near the bottom of the screen (Targeting, Ship, Weapons, and Misc.) has its own list of bound functions. To change a binding, simply double-click on the appropriate line and then press the new key or button. If two functions use the same key or button, it will create a conflict. Clicking "Clear Conflict" removes the original binding in favor of the new one. You must resolve all conflicts before leaving the Controls Config screen. HUD Config Sub-Screen - This screen is available only in the full version. 2e. Ready Room This door takes you straight to Briefing and then into the missions. * Briefing - This screen gives you an overview of the upcoming mission and delivers your orders. Each Briefing is arranged in stages, which can be navigated using the cursor keys or the arrow buttons on the bottom of the map display. The text for each stage appears at the bottom. This is also read to you by your commanding officer, unless you turned the voice off in the Options screen. If this is your first time playing FreeSpace 2, you'll begin in a training mission. It is STRONGLY recommended that you complete the training mission before proceeding to the combat missions. Training will familiarize you with different parts of the HUD display and with the basics of flight and combat. * NOTE: Several more training missions are included in the full release of FreeSpace 2. They provide an easy way to learn not only basic controls but also advanced combat techniques. The last stage in the Briefing displays your Objectives. Primary Objectives are very important to the mission's success. If you fail a Primary Objective, you may be forced to replay the mission before continuing. Secondary Objectives are less important, but it is always good to fulfill them if you can. Click "Commit" to accept your orders and begin the first training mission. Your training instructor will take you through the basics and you will then be ready to fly your first two combat missions. ----------- 3. Gameplay ----------- 3a. Demo Missions There are five missions included in this Demo. Mission 1 is training to familiarize you with the basic combat controls. Missions 2 and 3 are single- player missions that present you with a variety of challenges. If you perform extremely well in Mission 2, you are given access to a new fighter for Mission 3. The fourth and fifth missions are multiplayer missions for play via Volition's free PXO gaming service. The retail version of FreeSpace 2 contains more than 50 new single-player and multiplayer missions! 3b. Comm Menu How well you use the Comm Menu (default key "C") may be the difference between success and failure in many missions. With this menu you can order wingmen to attack or protect a target, cover you from enemy fire, or leave the battle area. You may also use the Comm Menu to request Rearming/Repair from a Support ship. -------------- 4. Multiplayer -------------- 4a. PXO PXO stands for "Parallax Online," a free multiplayer gaming service offered for Volition and Outrage games. The FreeSpace 2 Demo is supported by PXO. This service provides players with a meeting place in which to chat or coordinate multiplayer games. It's also used to store statistics for pilots. In order to play on PXO, you must have a Login and Password, which can be obtained from the PXO website (http://www.pxo.net). Click on the "Accounts" button and follow the directions. After you have registered, go into the Options screen. In the Multi tab, enter your Login and Password in their respective boxes. You can now play on PXO with any multiplayer pilot you have created. If you already have a PXO account from FreeSpace 1 or Descent 3, you do not need to create a new one. Your existing PXO Login and Password will track the FreeSpace 2 Demo stats for your pilots. * NOTE: To play multiplayer for the FreeSpace 2 Demo, you MUST be on PXO. IPX is supported in the full version of the game. 4b. Joining a game Once you're connected to PXO, click on the "Games" button at the bottom of the page. This will show you the list of games that are running in that channel. If you don't find any games to your liking, click "Cancel" to get back to the main PXO page and choose a different channel to check out its games. 4c. Setting up a game The first way to create a multiplayer game is to enter the PXO Ready Room, choose a channel, and then click on the "Games" button. Click on "Create Game" and then build your game. Pick a name and type (open, closed, restricted, or password protected), then click the "Accept" button. Then choose the mission (the Demo version contains two multiplayer missions--a cooperative mission and a free-for-all dogfight) and set any Host Options you'd like via the button near the bottom of the screen. Once you have enough players, click on "Commit" to start the mission. 4d. Standalone (Dedicated) Servers ------------------------ In FreeSpace 2 multiplayer, if you choose to "Create Game" in the Ready Room, you are acting as a Non-Dedicated Game Server. Your machine will not only run your local game simulation, but will also simulate the game for all other players in your game. By doing both tasks, the other players in your game may see performance problems, especially if you have 5 or more players in the game. One way to avoid this is to run a Standalone Game Server. This enables one machine to >only< run the game simulation, not allowing someone to also play on it. By not doing game rendering, it enables more people to use the game server with little or no performance hit. * NOTE: For FreeSpace 2 games with five or more players, it's STRONGLY recommended that you use a Standalone/Dedicated Server. Non-Dedicated servers will not handle 8-12 people reliably. It's also STRONGLY recommended that anyone running a Standalone Server be connected to at least a dual-channel ISDN line, and preferably a T1. * Starting a Standalone Server: To run FreeSpace 2 as a Standalone Game Server, open an MS-DOS prompt to your FreeSpace 2 directory and type: FS -standalone A Windows dialog will come up with a tabbed interface with your Standalone Server options. Once the default Server Name has been filled in, the server is up and running. You may change the Server Name field and it will update on players' Join screens. Most of the interface options on the Standalone are self-explanatory. To shut down the server, press "Shut Down" or simply close the application. * NOTE: FreeSpace 2 Standalone servers perform better under Windows NT than under Windows95/98. * Standalone Config File There's a file in your FreeSpace2\data directory called "multi.cfg" that determines the default options used when you run a standalone server. The following options are currently supported: +name Sets the server name that appears in the games list. +pxo Makes your server appear on Parallax Online. The server then appears in the specified channel's games listing and will upload player statistics for anyone who plays on it. Public channel names must be prefixed by a "#" and private channels by "+". Examples: +pxo #Team_Games - puts server in the public Team_Games channel +pxo +Biffs_Games - creates private channel "Biffs_Games" and places this server in it. * NOTE: If you want to use a public channel, the name >must< match one of the default public channel names. If it does not match, it will not be placed in any channel and won't be visible to anyone. The +pxo option is on by default in the multi.cfg file, assigned to a Lobby Channel. If you do not use PXO with your Standalone Game Server, it will still show up on a player's game lists if it's local to him and he has clicked the "Broadcast Locally" option to "On" under Options/Multi. If it's not local to a player, he may still join your non-PXO server by manually entering your server's IP address in Options/Multi sub-screen. +no_voice disallows voice transmission at any time +passwd the first person to join the server while it's empty will have to enter this password +low_update +med_update +high_update +lan_update These options enforce an upper limit on datarate for clients. For example, if the server has +high_update set, even if a client has LAN updates selected, he will be limited to high updates. It is not recommended that you run a standalone server unless it can support at least high update level. +max_players # Sets the maximum allowed players on your server. It's recommended that you keep this at a reasonable limit, based on your server's Internet connection type. The max supported players is 12. +ban Bans a given player. Up to 50 banned players are supported. +passwd Sets the host password. The first person connecting to the server is required to enter this before being granted hostship. Players joining later do not need the password. These options can be entered in any order and in any combination, with repeats overriding the previously entered values. * Standalone Servers & Mission Files Any FreeSpace 2 missions or campaigns appearing in your \data\missions directory are available for players to use on your Standalone Server. If a player does not have the mission file, the server automatically transfers it. Players are not able to upload missions to your server, however, so you have total control over what missions (and what types of missions) your Standalone Server provides. 4e. Server Listing Additions ---------------------------- Two symbols have been added to the server listings that appear in the Join/Create game screen. An asterisk (*) appears next to Standalone Servers. Non-Dedicated Servers will have no asterisk. If a "C" appears next to the server name, it is currently running a Campaign mission (as opposed to a single, non-campaign mission). 4f. Co-op Mission The fourth mission in the Demo is a cooperative mission in which all the players are on the same side. A wing of fighters and a wing of bombers take on a Shivan cruiser and its fighter escort. 4g. Dogfight The fifth and final mission in the Demo is a free-for-all dogfight in and around an Alliance drydock. Up to 12 pilots can participate in the furball. Kills scored against AI pilots do not count in the dogfight mission. 4h. Squad War The full retail version of FreeSpace 2 includes support for Squad War. Squad War enables multiplayer squadrons to challenge other squadrons for control of territory in the FreeSpace 2 universe. Squad War is an organized form of team vs. team multiplayer gameplay. PXO servers will maintain a list of registered squadrons that will be managed by users through a web page. Squadrons will fight it out via team vs. team missions for control of star systems. The PXO database will keep track of which squadron controls which star system. More information can be found at the Squad War home page: http://www.squadwar.com 4i. Squad logos/pilot pictures Both the demo and retail versions of FreeSpace 2 support custom, player-made pilot pictures and squadron logos. When placed in the appropriate directories, they will be available to your pilots in the Barracks screen. To use custom pilot pictures, create one or more 160x120, 256 (8 bit) color images, in PCX format. Place the images in your \FreeSpace2Demo\data\players\images\ folder. If this folder does not yet exist, create it. If the picture is in the right format, it will show up in the Barracks screen. To use custom squadron logos, create one or more 128x128, 256 (8 bit) color images, in PCX format. Place the images in your \FreeSpace2Demo\data\players\squads\ folder. If this folder does not yet exist, create it. Use full green (RGB color 0,255,0) in the image where you wish it to be transparent when shown on the side of your ship. Both pilot and squad images will automatically transfer and be visible to anyone you play multiplayer games with. NOTE: Squad logos are only assignable on multiplayer pilots. Single player pilots are assigned to squadrons by GTVA Command. ---------------- 5. Demo Feedback ---------------- One reason to release a game demo is to get player feedback from players all over the world. We are interested in what you think of the game! You may contact us at one of the email addresses below: General feedback, comments & bug reports: fs2demo@volition-inc.com Technical questions/problems support@interplay.com (Also see section 6 below) ------------------ 6. Troubleshooting ------------------ The following are commonly asked questions, with answers. * NOTE: For all Tech Support on Parallax Online (PXO), please visit the support page (http://www.pxo.net/support.cfm). Interplay will >not< be able to help you with PXO problems. Common Questions & Answers 6a. DirectX ----------------------------------------------- Q: I'm having mysterious video/audio/input problems. A: A lot of problems can be attributed to out-of-date DirectX drivers. If you're running Windows 95/98, make sure you're running DirectX 5.0 (or better). If you're running under Windows NT 4.0, you must have DirectX 3.0/Service Pack 3. You can obtain the latest drivers at: Windows 95: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/directx/dxf/enduser5.0/default.htm Windows NT: http://www.microsoft.com/support/winnt/default.htm 6b. Audio ------------------------------------------------- Q: I get a warning about not having the Audio Compression Manager (ACM) installed. A: You need to install an ACM on your machine. Follow these steps for installing it: 1) First see if you have the Microsoft ADPCM installed: a) Click on the "Multimedia" icon in your Control Panel b) Click the Advanced Tab, and expand the Audio Compression Codecs list c) If you see "Microsoft ADPCM Codec," then you have the required ACM codec 2) If you see the correct ACM codec installed, there are two possible reasons why the ACM is not working in the game: a) You don't have msacm32.dll in your path b) Your ACM version is not 3.5 or higher 3) If the ACM codec is not installed, then follow these steps to install it: a) Click on the "Add New Hardware" icon in your Control Panel b) Select "No" when asked if Microsoft should search for new hardware (Click Next) c) Select "Sound, video and game controllers" from the Hardware Types list (Click Next) d) Select "Microsoft Audio Codecs" from the Manuf. list e) From the list of codecs on the right, select "Microsoft ADPCM CODEC" (Click Next) f) Reboot for the changes to take effect 6c. Video ------------------------------------------------- Q: I have a 3DFX card, and it says "Expected VXD version 1.2, got V1.1." What do I do? A: This is caused by one of the following: 1) Your \windows\system\fxmemmap.vxd file is out of date. Getting and installing the latest Glide drivers *should* fix this, according to 3DFX. Or, simply copy the fxmemmap.vxd into your windows\system directory. 2) There is an out of date fxmemmap.vxd somewhere besides the windows\system directory. You should find all versions of this file on your drive and put the latest one in windows\system. Delete all other versions of it. 6d. Joysticks --------------------------------------------- Q: My ForceFX Force Feedback joystick does not appear to work. A: Do the following things: 1) Make sure you have the latest version of DirectInput. 2) Make sure you set up the joystick properly in the Windows 95 control panel. You should select "CH ForceFx Joystick for DX5 (Serial)". Do not use "CH Force FX Joystick (analog mode)", as this doesn't support Force Feedback. ------------------------------- 7. Contacting Technical Support ------------------------------- Interplay Productions Technical Support now offers troubleshooting guides with complete installation and setup instructions, as well as information that will help you overcome the most common difficulties. If you have access to the World Wide Web, you can find these at: www.interplay.com/support/ Here you will find troubleshooting information on as well as information on regular system maintenance and performance. DirectX: www.interplay.com/support/directx/ Joysticks: www.interplay.com/support/joystick/ Modems and Networks: www.interplay.com/support/modem/ (For game-specific information and additional troubleshooting, visit our main page at www.interplay.com) If you have questions about the program, our Technical Support Department can help. Our web site contains up-to-date information on the most common difficulties with our products, and this information is the same as that used by our product support technicians. We keep the product support pages updated on a regular basis, so please check here first for no-wait solutions: www.interplay.com/support/ If you are unable to find the information you need on our web site, please feel free to contact Technical Support via e-mail, phone, fax, or letter. Please be sure to include the following information in your e-mail message, fax, or letter: Title of Game Computer manufacturer Operating system (Windows 95, DOS 6.22, etc.) CPU type and speed in MHz Amount of RAM Sound card type and settings (address, IRQ, DMA) Video card CD-ROM Mouse driver and version Joystick and game card (if any) A copy of the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files from your hard drive A description of the problem you're having If you need to talk to someone immediately, call us at (949) 553-6678 Monday through Friday between 8:00AM-5:45PM, Pacific Standard Time, with 24-hour, 7 days a week support available through the use of our automated wizard. Please have the above information ready when you call. This will help us answer your question in the shortest possible time. When you call you will initially be connected with our automated wizard. For information pertaining to your specific title, press "1" on the main menu and listen carefully to all prompts. All titles are listed alphabetically. After you have selected your title, the most common difficulties will be listed. If the difficulty you are having is not listed or you need additional assistance, you may press "0" on your games main menu, and you will be transferred to a Technical Support Representative. No hints or codes are available from this line. Interplay Productions Support Fax: (949) 252-2820 Interplay Productions Technical Support 16815 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA 92606 How to reach us online INTERNET E-MAIL: support@interplay.com WORLD WIDE WEB: www.interplay.com FTP: ftp.interplay.com UK & Europe Virgin Interactive Customer Support 74a Charlotte Street London W1P 1LR Tel: 0171 551 4266 Fax: 0171 551 4267 Web: www.vie.co.uk Email: customer_support@vie.co.uk ------------------------ 8. FreeSpace 2 Web Links ------------------------ If you're interested in FreeSpace 2-related web sites and information, here are some great places to start. Volition, Inc. homepage http://www.volition-inc.com Parallax Online http://www.pxo.net Interplay Productions http://www.interplay.com Descent Network FreeSpace page http://www.descent-freespace.com Planet FreeSpace http://www.planetdescent.com/planetfs/ Xanadu's Mission Archive http://descent.gamestats.com/xanadu/index.html Ground FreeSpace http://www.groundfs.com ---------- 9. Credits ---------- FreeSpace 2 Demo developed by Volition, Inc. for Interplay Productions Volition, Inc. -------------- Original Design Adam Pletcher (lead) Jason Scott Dave Baranec & FS2 Team Programming Dave Baranec (lead) Dave Andsager Jeff Farris Neil Kumar Art Jasen Whiteside (lead) John Enricco Matt Flegel David Gulisano Matt Kresge Kelly Snapka Writing Jason Scott Mike Breault Demo Mission Design James Agay Additional Mission Design Brad Johnson Jim Boone Chad Nicholas Jordan Roc Demo Sound and Music Dan Wentz Additional Sound and Music Scott Lee Vocal Samples Courtesy of Spectrasonics' "Symphony of Voices" Voice Acting Denton Brown Dave Butler Kay Holley Nick Lee Barbara Ridenour William Ridenour Tim Schroeder Jason Scott QA Anoop Shekar (lead) Allan Bautista Eric Keyser Nick Malnick Alvan Monje James Tsai Andrew McIntosh Additional Programming Alan Lawrance John Slagel Webmaster Nathan Camarillo Network & Technical Support Mark Muller Administrative Support Misty Goodman Ginny Gee Dawn Dvorak Executive Producer Mike Kulas Director of Product Development Philip Holt Beta Testers Solrazor Paul Griffin Mike Diedrich Hideki Minowa Colin Czerneda Ed Finkler Todd Miller Heiko Herrmann Tane Piper Interplay --------- Producer Jim Boone Line Producer Primo Pulanco V.P. of Product Development Trish Wright Division Director Feargus Urquhart Director of Quality Assurance Jeremy Barnes QA Manager Greg Baumeister Quality Assurance Project Supervisor and Compatibility Manager Darrell Jones Testers Erik Hernandez John Palmero Harold Kim Tony Piccoli David Fleischmann Matt Golembiewski Galacio Ramirez Tim Anderson Henry Lee Compatibility Technicians John Parker Derek Gibbs Josh Walters David Parkyn Product Marketing Manager Alison Quirion Communications Manager Lisa Bucek --------------- 10. Legal Stuff --------------- SOFTWARE USE LIMITATIONS AND LIMITED LICENSE General Product License. This copy of FreeSpace 2 (the "Software") is intended solely for your personal non-commercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Interplay Entertainment Corp. and its licensors retain all right, title and interest in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software may not be copied, resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on a pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Modem and Network Play. If the Software contains modem or network play, you may play the Software via modem transmission with another person or persons directly without transmission through a third party service or indirectly through a third party service only if such service is an authorized licensee of Interplay. For the purpose of this license, a "third party service" refers to any third party service which provides a connection between two or more users of the Software, manages, organizes, or facilitates game play, translates protocols, or otherwise provides a service which commercially exploits the Software, but does not include a third party service which merely provides a telephonic connection (and nothing more) for modem or network play. Authorized licensee services are listed on the Interplay Entertainment Corp. World Wide Web Site located at http://www.interplay.com. This limited right to transmit the Software expressly excludes any transmission of the Software of any data streams thereof on a commercial basis, including, without limitation, transmitting the Software by way of a commercial service (excepting those specific commercial services licensed by Interplay) which translates the protocols or manages or organizes game play sessions. Acceptance of License Terms. By downloading or acquiring and then retaining this Software, you assent to the terms and restrictions of this limited license. If you acquired the Software and do not accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the Software together with all packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store where you acquired the Software for a full refund and if you downloaded the Software, you must delete it. Copyright Information --------------------- FreeSpace 2 Demo (and full version) (c) 1999 by Volition, Inc. All rights reserved. Portions (c) 1999 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. FreeSpace 2, Interplay, the Interplay Logo, and "By Gamers. For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Productions. Windows(r) 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Exclusively licensed and distributed by Interplay Productions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ---- End of file